Assistant Principal's Report

Mrs Michelle Rassias

Good afternoon everyone. It has been so lovely coming back from Long Service Leave and seeing all the friendly, smiling faces of our students and their families. I have returned with production practice in full flight and have managed to see some of our talented students rehearsing. What a show it will be!


At our previous School Council meeting we ratified the Mobile Phones and other Mobile Devices Policy. Please take the time to read through our policy so that you are fully informed.



The key take aways from the policy are

  • if students bring a mobile phone to school they must switch it off and have it securely stored in the office, during school hours (exceptions may be granted)
  • any mobile phones, iPads and other wearable devices are brought to school at the owner's risk
  • the school will provide secure storage for mobile devices
  • where emergencies occur, parents or carers should reach their child by calling the school office on 9842 3373.

It is really hard on our students when parents contact them via their mobile, iPad or wearable devices during school times. Students are torn between answering your call/message or breaking the school rules and expectations. Please do not put your child in this position.