Principal message

Dear community of St Monica's,

Sports Day was a highlight this week with so many families attending to help and support our athletics carnival. Thank you to Lauren Miller for all the athletics preparation through the Phys Ed program and to Jarrod Epps for the coordination and organisation of the day which takes many hours to arrange. You can see photos on the school sports page. Congratulations to Mercy House (red) who were the winners of the day.

60 students from years 3-6 will participate in the Catholic athletics next week. See calendar and excursion note for details.


Whole school closure day

Today was a whole school closure day so that staff can meet to develop the strategic plan for St Monica's. We focused on the recommendations for the development of agreed understanding to researching based practices in the Art and Science of teaching with a view to create whole school planning documents.


Dogs Connect

With the departure of Shaun O'Brien we also had to say goodbye to May. We are seeking feedback regarding the Dogs Connect Program and the impact of having May at school to determine whether it is an initiative that we will continue at St Monica's. Please click on the button below and fill out the quick questionnaire to provide your thoughts. 





Mini Monica's

There has been great interest and attendance at our Mini Monica's storytime sessions run by Tanya Balcke in the library on Friday mornings. Unfortunately today was not able to go ahead due to the school closure but we look forward to seeing our new students and siblings at the next session.


Study in Chicago

On Wednesday I was able to share with staff some of the understandings that I gained form my study in Chicago. The focus was on how science and theology can walk side by side. Science can measure time to a starting point which is the cold big bang theory. Before time, before the big bang there was a void. This void is the darkness which is described in Genesis 1. ' In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

Genesis 1 describes the order of Creation. The use of the word creation can only be understood by acknowledging a creator. Genesis 2 which is the story of Adam and Eve was written to teach obedience. Just as all cultures have stories to explain the beginning, the people of the Old Testament had Genesis 1 and Genesis 2. As we try to make meaning of the beginning of the universe today we can have Science and Theology work hand in hand. We know that the universe is expanding and we also know through science that what happens to an atom in one place can simultaneously occur with an atom elsewhere. 

This impact from afar can explain the power of prayer and how we can through the intercession of collective prayer affect what happens.

As we are all ultimately made from the stardust of the big bang we are therefore made of the same substance that makes up all of creation. We are one with creation, we are one with God and everything in creation is in the image of God, as God is creation. Therefore as kin of all creation we have a responsibility to take care of creation and be mindful that we are all the same- creatures of God.


Life Relationships Session

We had a large turnout of families for our Life relationships session on Wednesday night. Thank you to all those who participated and to our presenters, Tanya Balcke, Jarrod Epps and Colm Feeney.



Over the next few months I will participate in training to become an AITSL assessor for the HALT (Highly accomplished Lead teacher) program. This program aims to identify teachers who meet the AITSL standards at this level and certify them to encourage them to stay in classrooms. Many highly accomplished and leading teachers find themselves in leadership positions out of the classroom. This  accreditation aims to keep these leading teachers in he classroom. I personally believe in a working alongside approach to leadership and am in a position to influence the status of the profession in my role which is one of the reasons I became a Principal. This means that I will be absent about one day a term to fulfil the obligations of the course.


Augustine (Blue) House Day

On Thursday we will celebrate Augustine House Day. Students in that house will be able to wear blue. Please meet our Augustine House captains.

St Monica's Feast day

Next Friday we celebrate St Monica's day early. We are focusing on the Mercy charism of hospitality and welcome and families have been asked to share a poster of their culture and what it is known for. Please see poster for more details. We hope that you will join us for mass at 9.30 and/or our celebration of cultures and food at 2.30. Please see dates to remember page for more information.


Oval playground development

Movement is happening on our oval project. We have  a commitment to works happening in the September School holidays. This will be to create a play space  on the perimeter of the oval as per the design elements voted in by families in 2022. This project has had many incarnations and I know you will be excited to hear that  progress is being made. 


Simon Everywhere App

You can keep up to date with what's coming up via the Simon Everywhere App

 - all upcoming events are in the calendar.  See the office if you need help setting up the Simon Everywhere app on your phone.


Transfiguration of Jesus

We celebrated the Transfiguration of Jesus on Sunday. This important events shows Jesus in all his divinity .

The Transfiguration

17 After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus.

Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.”

While he was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!”

When the disciples heard this, they fell facedown to the ground, terrified. But Jesus came and touched them. “Get up,” he said. “Don’t be afraid.” When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus.

As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus instructed them, “Don’t tell anyone what you have seen, until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.”



Warm Regards

Fiona Dearn - Principal