Wellbeing Team

Introducing Joel Overweel, Chaplain at Brooklyn Park!

Hello parents!


My name is Joel and at the beginning of Term 2, I had the privilege of joining the College in the role of Chaplain, based at Brooklyn Park, where I work alongside Mr Adam Wood and our Wellbeing Team. I have been really blessed by the many students, staff and families I’ve been able to interact with as I’ve settled into the role over the past few months.


My wife Renée and I have three daughters aged 7, 4 and 9-months, with our eldest in Year 1 and our middle daughter in ELC at our Brooklyn Park campus. I have an education background, having taught in upper primary year levels for eight years across two Christian schools in the southern suburbs, and have also been in full-time pastoral ministry to young people and families for the past six years before taking on the Chaplain role here at Emmaus.


I am doing my best to gradually meet more and more of our parent community, but please feel free to introduce yourself to me if you see me around either campus. I’d love to connect with you!


As both a Chaplain and a parent at the College, I’m thrilled that we are now a URSTRONG school, having launched the Friendology program in our Junior School at both Brooklyn Park (Term 1) and South Plympton (Term 3).

Brooklyn Park Friendship Day
Brooklyn Park Friendship Day
Brooklyn Park Friendship Day
South Plympton Friendology Launch
South Plympton Friendology Launch
South Plympton Friendology Launch
Brooklyn Park Friendship Day
Brooklyn Park Friendship Day
Brooklyn Park Friendship Day
South Plympton Friendology Launch
South Plympton Friendology Launch
South Plympton Friendology Launch

The Friendology program equips our Junior School students to grow in their ability to build strong friendships, skillfully navigate the inevitable conflict that happens in relationships, and move through the changing seasons of friendships with confidence, authenticity, kindness and care for themselves and others.


The Word of God has plenty to say about how we can lovingly and effectively relate with one another in friendship and other relationships. In both the Old Testament and the New Testament, there are many references to the high value of healthy friendships and relationships, with the life, teaching and example of Jesus, the One “full of grace and truth,” being the pinnacle. (John 1:14)


We have been created for living and working in relational community. Educating and equipping young people with the necessary skills to build strong, healthy relationships based on trust and respect is vital for each young person’s holistic development, but also their enjoyment of life!


As a College, we want to partner effectively with you as parents to see your children flourish in their friendships and relationships, both now and into their future. With this aim, we are excited to be hosting a free, online parent/child workshop on the Language of Friendship for those families with children in our Junior School.


As a parent myself, I’ve already experienced some really great wins over the past few months in being able to leverage the principles of friendship and the shared language that Friendology provides. I have been amazed at how natural it can be for young children to learn and implement these interpersonal skills when they are explicitly taught and then empowered to take ownership of their relationships.


I highly encourage you to be part of this workshop where you will be equipped to coach and encourage your children in the language and skills of friendship alongside their educators as they journey through the Friendology curriculum. You will also receive information about a URSTRONG family membership with lots of super helpful resources to which you will have ongoing access.


CLICK HERE to register for the online workshop on Tuesday 15 August (Week 4) at 6pm. I’ll see you there!


As always, if your family is struggling or has wellbeing-related concerns, please reach out to our wellbeing team. If you would like to request counselling support for your child, you can make a referral on the Wellbeing Support page on the Emmaus Website.  


Grace and blessings,


Joel Overweel
