Online Forms

EASA Cross Country in Meckering
The Meckering Primary School will once again be hosting the EASA Interschool Cross Country event on Friday, 18th August 2023, at the Meckering Golf Course.
We will be inviting the top 4 place getters, from the MDHS Cross Country, to participate in this event. Please fill in the link by Monday 14th August. There will be a small cost of $2 per competitor.
This form was sent via Compass to all eligible competitors and reserve competitors. Please complete this form ONLY if you have received notice.
Year 5/6 Camp Information for Parents
Could all Year 5/6 parents please complete the Consent form for the biennial Year 5/6 Camp that is taking place in Week 7, Monday 28th August - Thursday 31st August. The itinerary and activity program has been sent out via Seesaw.