Careers News

As of Monday 31 July 2023, students have been able to submit their application for tertiary courses through the VTAC website (Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre – Every year 12 student who wishes to attend University (or in some cases TAFE) will firstly need to create an account through VTAC and then proceed to research courses and select your preferences. There will be a cost to this process which will be $55 and they call this a timely application. The deadline for timely applications is 5.00 pm, Thursday 28 September 2023. After this date then there will be a late application fee of $140 and increasing up to $180 for very late fees. Special consideration (SEAS) and scholarship applications close on 6 October 2023 (5pm).


Students will have the option to select 8 preferences so to allow themselves the best chance we suggest they use as many of these preferences as they can. Students will need to apply for tertiary courses before Year 12 examinations have concluded, so it's important not to leave course research to the last minute.


Quite note: Remember to attend as many Open Days as you can throughout August and September!