Grade 1/2 News
Term 3, Week 6
Grade 1/2 News
Term 3, Week 6
National Science Week (12th - 20th August)
This year's school theme is Innovation: Powering future Industries. On Monday all 1/2 grades were involved in a rotation of science activities. The photos below show students working hard on their experiments and designs. Students were involved in hypothesising and testing different ideas, describing things that happened and recording or discussing what they had found. (please see photos below)
Last week students solved mathematical problems that involved the 1/2 teachers. They may have helped Miss P-H with her Freddo frog and mice problem or perhaps they helped Mrs Murphy figure out how many points each of her children shot in basketball that week. The students enjoyed having the opportunity to choose the problem they worked on and also did an excellent job looking for the different combinations they could come up with to get some answers!
Readers Theatre
Over the past couple of weeks students have had a go at Readers Theatre. Using scripts from well know stories such as 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' and 'The Gingerbread Man' students have had the chance to practice reading aloud building their fluency and then have had the chance to perform in front of their class, helping to build speaking and listening skills.
We have also included photos in this week's gallery from the Ecolinc excursion mentioned in the previous newsletter.
Mathematics: Over the next fortnight students will be learning about Location and Fractions. Students will practise giving directions, following co-ordinates on a grid and also using location words such as under, behind and beside. During our Fractions unit students will be working towards understanding halves and quarters, including half of a small collection.
English: In Reading sessions students will practise ‘making and adjusting mental images’ learning the skill of visualising, whilst reading or being read to.
Our phonemes over the next two weeks are 's' (as in treasure) and looking at words beginning with 'kn' and 'gn'.
During Writing sessions students will be using familiar books to support their own writing of a story - this will be some follow on work from our Chris Kennett visit on Thursday/Friday.
Topic: Students will begin to create a puppet show using their knowledge of sound and light.
Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships (RRRR): Our Respectful relationships lessons will have a focus on using personal strengths to resist gender stereotypes.