Level 3


Level 3

In 3GE we have had a great start to Term 3.



We have been learning to identify cause and effect in the books that we read. We are starting with fiction texts and then moving to non-fiction. We have also been practising our ability to answer questions in complete sentences.



In 3GE we have been learning about how to write an explanation. Our focus has been on ‘Gravity’ and how it works to keep us here on Earth. Students have been focussing on taking notes during our Reading and Writing sessions, and organising their notes into a planner. 





In Maths, we have been learning about multiplication and division. This includes using arrays, concrete materials (e.g., counters and number lines) and a variety of strategies to solve a range of problems. We have also been learning our times tables. Next, we will be doing lots of problem solving using a variety of worded problems.




In Week 2, we were lucky enough to have a Japanese incursion called Taiko, meaning drum. We learnt how to play the drums correctly and even got to have a turn! We also had a visit from Downball Australia who taught us the rules for Downball. Once we had some practice, we then had a tournament.