Level 2

Level 2


This term, Level 2 students have been enjoying learning about poetry! Last week, 2LL enjoyed writing cinquains about their favourite things. A cinquain is a type of poem that features 5 lines. The first line tells the topic, the second line has two adjectives, the third line has three verbs, the fourth line is a sentence, and the fifth line is a synonym for the topic. 2LL are steadily becoming experts at planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing their writing!


In Numeracy, Level 2 have been learning all about multiplication and the different ways that it can be represented. We have focused on using a range of strategies to multiply numbers together, such as skip counting, grouping objects, repeated addition, using arrays, and splitting numbers. Students have also been practising becoming more fluent and accurate with a times table goal of their choice. 



Grade 2 students have been exploring light and sound in Reading and Inquiry lessons. We have had so much fun doing hands-on experiments to explore the concepts of how our senses work and the science behind seeing and hearing things. This week we used torches to find out which objects are transparent, translucent, and opaque in our classroom. 

Connections and Friendology

2LL were very excited to have an international student named Yinhan join our class this week! Yinhan comes from China, and speaks Mandarin Chinese. Although she does not speak much English yet, it is wonderful to see how friendly and welcoming 2LL have been in supporting Yinhan to get involved in all of the learning. During Friendology lessons, Level 2 have now learnt about our inner friendship ninjas, how we can be our own best friends, and the colours of our emotions.