Level 1

Level 1

In Level One, we have been learning lots of fun and exciting things. In Writing, we have been exploring Poetry. Our theme for our writing this term is all about Winter and the students have enjoyed brainstorming different words about winter and using these words in their writing. We have learned how to write Acrostic poems (photo one), Haiku’s (photos two and three) and this week we have been learning about poems that rhyme. 


In Reading, we have been learning all about inferencing and being text detectives and using the clues from the illustrations and text to make an inference (an educational guess when reading). We will be continuing with this skill for the next two weeks. In Mathematics we have been having lots of fun exploring place value and what makes up numbers. The students have worked hard to read larger numbers, some even reading 5-digit numbers! 


In Inquiry, we have started a new unit about Light and Sound. The students have enjoyed making stories with sound and exploring how sound is made and what things around us can make sound. In a couple of weeks, we will be participating in a puppet incursion, which the students are very excited about! 


When you are in next, make sure you stop by the Level One corridor as we have lots of student work on display and the children are  so excited to share their work!