
Level Foundation 


If you have not already brought in a white T-shirt for production, please do so as soon as possible!

100 Days celebration this Friday – students to come dressed as a 100 year old.


This week in Foundation…

In Literacy we have been learning about the digraphs ‘oi’ and ‘oy’, and ‘ee’ and ‘ea’. Students have been busy brainstorming and sorting words with these sounds. In Writing, they have been focusing on sequencing their ideas when writing recounts, and using words like, ‘First’, ‘Next’, and ‘Finally’. The students have been introduced to the fairy tale ‘The Three Billy Goat’s Gruff’ this week, making links to our Inquiry unit for the term. They have explored interesting vocabulary and retold the story using a ‘5 finger retell’. 


In Numeracy students have had fun investigating capacity, filling and emptying containers of all different sizes using a variety of materials. A highlight was reading ‘Alexander’s Outing’ and recreating the scene where the people saved Alexander the duck by filling up the hole with water and watching him float to the top. We estimated how many cups would fill the bucket – and had to change our estimations as we went! 


In Inquiry we have begun to explore bridges like the one from ‘The Three Billy Goat’s Gruff’. The students were amazed to watch a time lapse of a big bridge being built and looked at interesting bridges from around the world.


We have continued to strengthen our connections through Friendology, with lessons on noticing and naming our feelings and the feelings of others and learning the steps to make a new friend.