Wellbeing - Assistant Principal 

Marcus Leonard

School Wide Positive Behaviour

At HEPS we believe that its really important that all students, teachers and parents are aware of what it looks like when everything is going well.  We believe that students need to lead the process and creation of expected behaviours so that they have ownership and agency over what is expected of them at school.  Our SWPBS expected behaviours are the end result of all the wellbeing and curriculum programs that we put in place.  

HEPS has gone through this process in previous years, asking every student how our values are best demonstrated through positive actions.  They look like this;


It's really important that all students recognise what our agreed positive behaviours are so that they can be taught and re-taught as needed.  When these behaviours are not displayed we have a consistent, school wide process to help students re-engage in our values.  This process involves a predictable behaviour management flowchart that looks like this; 


Where to next for SWPBS

The above expected behaviours and behaviour flowchart were created four years ago which means that most of the students involved have moved into high school.  It's time, therefore, to again go through the process of asking all our students what positive behaviours look like at HEPS.  

The difference this time will be that our signs will demonstrate behaviours in different locations.  They will look like this;



What you can do at home to support School Wide Positive Behaviour

Please talk to your children about what the expected behaviours are at HEPS.  It's really important that they find value in the fact that they have voice in the updated values posters.  We will continue to update the school community with respect to all upcoming Wellbeing initiatives at HEPS.