
Monday 9am 

Friday 2.45pm 

Term 3 Assembly roster

All parents and families are welcome to our assemblies. 

This term we have some sneak peaks to show regarding our whole school production. 

Monday morning at 9am - whole school 

Friday afternoon 2.45 in the gym. Group 1 and 2 alternate. 

Term 3 HEPS Monday assemblies 9am (whole school – front of school)

Content - National anthem, school oath, acknowledgment of country, focus for the week, lunch club reports, sport and community recognition, birthday celebrations 
31/7Level 5 and 6 students speaking about production
7/8Friendology information – Wellbeing captains
14/8Level 1 and 4 students speaking about production
21/8Sneak peak – Production 2023 (Level 5)
28/8Sneak peak – Production 2023 (Level 3)

Sneak peak – Production 2023 (Level 2)

Fathers Day assembly


Aim High Assembly – Whole school 

Sneak peak – Production 2023 (Foundation) 

Choir performing 

HEPS Friday assemblies 2.45 – 3.30pm (gym)

Group 16JM, 6JL, 6RH, FKB, FSB, 1RK, 1KR 2DW, 2MY, 3MW, 3GE, 4BA, 4TO, 5YS, 5KV 
Group 26JM, 6JL, 6RH, FTD, FBB, 1EJ, 1CR, 2LL, 2AS, 3TM, 4LS, 4JE, 5KL, 5AP 
Date Classes attending and house captains Class running assembly

Curriculum day – student free day


Connect Groups


Student led assembly   

Group 1 Red House 

1RK and 1KR

Instrumental music performers TBC

Japanese captains presenting


Student led assembly   

Group 2 Blue House

5AP and 5KL

Instrumental music performers TBC

Japanese captains presenting


Connect Groups


Student led assembly   

Group 1 Gold House  

Grandparents Day 

Foundation FKB and FSB

Instrumental music performers TBC

Japanese captains presenting


Student led assembly   

Group 2 Green House  

4LS and 4JE

Instrumental music performers TBC 

Japanese captains presenting


Connect Groups


Student led assembly   

Group 1 Red House 


Instrumental music performers TBC


Last day of Term 3 

Whole school assembly 2.15-2.30pm – front of school