Level 6

Level 6

Year 5/6 Winter Gala Day

Last week on Thursday 13th July, we had the Winter Gala Day. As most of us know, it was a thrilling day! Every team gave their all! In Netball there were three teams. One team placed second! In Softball both teams sadly lost three games, but luckily for them, they still won one. The mixed Football team won one game. The Lawn Bowls team lost all of their games, but never gave up. The girls Soccer team tied one game.


Taiko Drumming Incursion

On Thursday the 20th of July, Years 3-6 had an amazing incursion where we learned about Taiko drumming. It was very interesting to see real Taiko drums. We also got to play rhythms and beats on the Taiko drums. It was fun to listen to the sensei play a beat and then copy her. If she did a marching beat, we had to walk to the next drum and then play the beat that she played.


Writing Workshops

Level 6 students participated in a writing workshop this week. We are completing rotations with all the teachers and within each rotation, we are focusing on a part of writing to make our writing the best we can. Miss Morrow’s workshop was about building suspense to make our writing more engaging. Mr Mulder was focusing on character development to describe our characters and develop their personalities. Mr Leonard's lesson was about adding detail to make our writing as descriptive as we can. Mrs Henwood’s lesson was about setting the scene, which means making the setting come to life in our books (not literally). Lastly, Mrs Bulfin was working on using voice, which is when the author’s personality and writing style shines through their writing.


Inquiry - Journey to Discovery 

In Inquiry, we are making a scaled replica of the Solar System in our Science unit on Discovery. Working in groups, we are using paper mache and a balloon to make each planet and then painting it. We’re all having so much fun learning about the relative size of the planets and can’t wait for the next exciting project.