Level 5

Level 5


Wednesday, the 2nd of August, Level 5 excursion to Bayswater Secondary School

Thursday, the 3rd of August, is House Athletics Day. Please remind your child to wear house colour.

Thursday, the 10th of August, Heathmont East Pre-school will visit 5YS.



We revised the narrative genre in our writing unit and started to create our science fiction story this week. Students have brilliant ideas and are keen to write a Sci-fi story. We explored character and setting description deeply and practised how to use figurative languages such as simile and metaphor to improve the quality of the writing.


Our focus in reading is analysing fiction text. We teach students to use academic language to discuss literary features, e.g., character and setting description, problem and solution, comparison and contrast, main idea, flashback, conflict, resolution, theme, descriptive language, supporting character, point of view, and figurative language. We are also learning about summarising fiction texts.  Students summarise a selected section of a text that is significant to understanding characters, the plot, or the message.



Our Maths units began with multiplication. Students played lots of games to improve their understanding of multiplication. This week, we moved to division and explored the connection between multiplication and division. Some students are encouraged to practise their times table to be able to solve related problems easily.


We are learning about discoveries and the journeys people go on to achieve them; we learn to value the process rather than the destination. Students use scientific knowledge and an understanding of the scientific method as they discuss new discoveries.

We will investigate topics such as the solar system's scale, light refraction, electrical circuits, states of matter and coding.