Level 4

Level 4


Monday 31st  July - Rescheduled Downball

Thursday 3rd Aug – Athletics Day 3-6


We are excited to share with you some of the wonderful learning experiences that level four have been engaged in over the past week.


In Reading and Writing, students have been diving into the world of poetry! Students have been exploring various forms of poetry, such as diamanté, free verse and slam poetry. Through their exploration, they have learned about the power of poetic language and how it can bring their writing to life.


In Maths, our students have been exploring the concept of equivalent fractions. They have used different materials to help them make connections and understand equivalency. This hands-on approach has really helped our students grasp the concept effectively. Additionally, our students have been making connections between fractions and decimal notation by relating them to real-life examples. This has provided them with a deeper understanding of how fractions and decimals are used in practical situations.


During Inquiry sessions, students have begun immersing themselves in what it means to discover something. They practised using other people’s designs of a paper plane as inspiration for their own, so that they can improve their researching skills. As the semester progresses, they will delve into the different types of forces and become young engineers.


Friendology sessions have given students the opportunity to reflect on their current network of friends, thinking about their friendships a little more objectively. They identified the different types of friendships they have and recognised that every friendship is different.