Year 1/2

Week 6 in Year 1/2
It is hard to believe we are already over half way through the term! We have had such an exciting time with our excursion to ACMI and Grandparents and Special Friends day. We would love to share some of the great learning we have done
In Initialit, Yr 1 students have been continuing to learn new tricky words and spelling blends. They began to look at changing singular words into plurals and they have been learning about different types of verbs! They have learnt a song all about vowels and the rule that every word that we read and every word that we write must have a vowel.
If your child is in Yr 1 ask them if they can sing it! It is sung to the tune of If you're happy and you know it clap your hands.
In Yr 2 the Initialit program is broken up into grammar, spelling and comprehension.
In comprehension this term we have been looking at different tools to help us understand texts. So far we have looked at predicting and connecting.
When we read, we make connections between what we are reading and what we already know. We make connections so that we can use all that we have learnt and seen to help us understand our text. We read a text all about paper facts and it mentioned paper planes. We thought about the question, “what does a paper plane look like?” If somebody had never seen a paper plane they might imagine an actual aeroplane made out of paper! The yr 2’s thought this was a funny example of the importance of making personal connections.
In Mathematics we have begun completing a daily review at the beginning of every session. During these daily review sessions we go through past maths concepts as a group, this helps to reinforce our learning. The daily review slideshows cover all topics from place value, addition, subtraction, time, shape and location. Recently we completed a unit on shape where we looked at 2D shapes and 3D shapes, we learnt about the differences between 2D and 3D shapes, found real examples of different shapes and counted the edges, faces and corners of each shape. One activity we enjoyed was making pictures out of 2D shapes. This week we have been looking at addition and subtraction and beginning to understand the connections between them.
In Integrated, students have learned what Media art is and also explored a range of media art pieces such as videos, artwork and how media art can be used in storytelling. We have used different types of technology to create art pieces and we have been making online comic books of fairytales. We have begun working on our big media arts project. We are using paper mache to build Mr Men and Little Miss characters which we will use to plan and write scripts, create storyboards and then film short video stories in small groups. Lets just hope our paper mache creations work out well!
In Religion, students have learned about why we pray and how this connects us to God. We have identified different elements of prayer such as making the sign of the cross and saying ‘Amen’ at the end of certain prayers. We have also been looking at different parables. So far we have read The Lost Sheep and Jesus feeds the 5000. Next week we will begin reading Zachaeus the Tax Collector which we look at closely to discuss different character perspectives and imagine what different people might be saying and thinking. Once we have thought about the different opinions we will create short media art pieces based on this story. It is great when different areas of the curriculum can be integrated together and I am excited to see the parables presented through media arts.
In Social and Emotional we have been following the Daniel Morcombe Child Safety Curriculum. We have talked about ways to recognise safe or unsafe situations and how our body reacts to unsafe situations, who to talk to when we feel unsafe and the difference between private and public body parts. If you would like to know more about the Daniel Morcombe Child Safety Curriculum here is a link to the program and resources that we use.
In addition to the safety program we have also continued learning all about friendships, positive thinking and positive relationships. We spoke about how we need to love ourselves as well as all the people who love us.
Thankyou for all of your support and I am looking forward to a fantastic rest of the term,
Shanlan Moore
Year 1/2 Teacher