Learning and Teaching

This term the students in Year Prep have been lucky enough to participate in the Fire Education Incursion.
Fire Rescue Victoria works closely with all Primary Schools and communities to promote fire safety. This helps to prevent emergencies from happening in the first place.
Day (1) Thursday 10th August
In our first visit from the Fire brigade services the students learnt all about fire safety in the home. The students were taught who to ring in an emergency to get help, safety around cooking in the kitchen and around our homes. The firemen wore their protective gear to show the students what they needed including the special ‘breathing mask’. Then they all practiced the stop-drop-cover-roll that helps the children if there were a fire in real life.
Day (2) Thursday 17th August
The focus of the second part of the Incursion was to educate students on Fire Safety with encouragement for them to pass their learning onto families. They even got to see a fire truck up close too!!! Students were shown where all the special equipment was located on the truck to assist firefighters in fires and other emergency situations.
This helps to deepen understanding on how to be safe around fires as well as other emergencies that occur from time to time. Please encourage your child to talk to you about some of the useful things they have learnt from this experience.
I think it certainly was a valuable experience enjoyed by all.
Belinda Hesse
Learning and Teaching Leader