Fiesta News

The Fiesta Committee is so proud to share our new website with everyone .. a big thank you to our very talented school parent, for all their hard work with putting this fabulous website together! 🙂


Please like and follow our Fiesta Facebook page and share with your friends and family - we will have regular updates here as well for everyone ….


Please like and follow our Fiesta Instagram;


 We already have some amazing market stalls booked, food trucks and amusement rides …. we are all so excited and can’t wait ….  take a look at our website to see what we have planned for you.


So many exciting things to see and do ….. we are so excited ………………..


OGPS Has Talent …… reminder

A reminder to all OGPS students who would like to share their talents with us at the Fiesta.


Singing, Dancing, Musical instruments …  


Please either let the Fiesta team know by emailing us at or leave your name and info with the office and they will pass on to us.


Class Stalls

A reminder that if you have not received any communication from your class rep about your class stall or otherwise, please let the committee, or the office know so that we can make sure you are receiving the information.



For any donations that families would like to make, please let your call reps know or the office so they can pass this onto the fiesta committee.



Please feel free to get in touch with your class rep or committee at any time if you have any questions!