YEAR 8 - Transporting us to Tranquillity

FLOURISH: One of our Year 8 students Beau B. has been sharing some of his amazing pics around Point Addis and also Point Roadknight in Anglesea, sharing the serene beauty of our local area.  We are super lucky to have this stunning scenery on our doorstep! Thank you for sharing Beau!


This is a great chance for kids to get out and about in nature and inspire their creativity, especially during remote learning. 


Acclaimed Jan Juc photographer, Ferne Millen, has shared her top photography tips for youngsters with us, HERE, for those who may be budding photography students.  There is also a calendar photo competition for ‘grommet snappers’ aged 18 and under. 

Year 10 - Studio Arts

STRIVE: Some more incredible artwork to share with our community by our talented students! Our Year 10 Studio Arts students have been working on their Still Life CAT on remote learning.


Below are some amazing sketches by Sam V, Luca V and Ashleigh S.

Artwork by Sam V.
Artwork by Luca V.
Artwork by Sam V.
Artwork by Luca V.
Artwork by Ashleigh S.
Artwork by Ashleigh S.

YEAR 12 - Studio Arts

FLOURISH: Year 12 Studio Arts students are currently completing their final artworks.  In this issue we celebrate two outstanding young artists who have worked consistently to refine their skills and ideas. These works reflect many years of hard work across their schooling, and we wish them all the best in their future studies.


Artwork by Maya G.
Artwork by Maya G.
Maya G. Year 12  
"Conceptually I wanted to explore the discussion of permanence and impermanence within nature.  It is suggested that in the complex dynamic of current ecosystems, lies a desperate battle between maintaining vitality in nature and the inevitable factor of death and collapse.  I focused on the element of texture and its ability to communicate vulnerability and durability through various surfaces." 



Artwork by Charlotte G.
Artwork by Charlotte G.



Charlotte G. Year 12 
"The focus of my work is an exploration of dynamism and movement.  I have worked to communicate how raw and unsettling nature of an image can express the daunting feeling of “change” either in the universe or underlying force."



Years 10, 11 & 12 Science: Pearson Australia Photo Competition

Pearson Australia are currently running a photo competition for 10/11/12 students with the theme of Chemistry or Physics.  Whilst students are in remote for the next week or so, you may be keen to do something different at home and have a break from your screen time.  It's free to enter and  can be done individually.   See details below:

The goal of the student photo competitions is to encourage students to take a brain break, and to get excited about science! We know times are tough and want to ensure as many students as possible have the opportunity to take a brain break, and earn their shot at the prize. 


For this reason, the 2021 VCE Science Student Photo Competition has been extended until the end of the first week of Term 4.  Student entries are now due by 5pm (AEST) on Sunday, 10 October 2021.


Click here for further details:


Competition information


RU OK? Day

R U OK? Day was last Thursday on the 9th September.  RU OK? Day contributes to suicide prevention efforts by encouraging people to invest more time in their personal relationships and encourages people to have a conversation if they identify signs of distress in others. 


Make a moment meaningful and ask, "are you OK?" because your conversation could change a life.


If you want to support someone but aren’t sure where to start, follow these four steps:


ASK R U OK? – Pick the right time and place and ask them how they're going.

LISTEN – Listen with an open mind and without judgement.

ENCOURAGE ACTION - Encourage them to do something that might lighten the load.

CHECK IN – Remember to check in again soon. Your ongoing care and support can make a difference.


Are they really OK? Ask them today.


Find more conversation tips at www.ruok.org.au/how-to-ask

#RUOK #RUOKDay #aretheyreallyOK


In recognition of this day, we kicked off the day with our staff meeting with our RU OK? banners and wore yellow.  We then asked our students in their mentor groups who and what they were grateful for in their life.  


The Headspace Website mentions the following:


"Gratitude means recognising the things that others have done for you, as well as what you have, rather than focusing on what you don’t.
Showing gratitude can help your wellbeing in a number of ways, such as:
help build new relationships or boost current ones
help you forgive yourself and others
reduce anger and increase empathy
help you sleep better, give you energy and boost self-esteem
make you appreciate what you have.
It can also give you feelings of happiness and appreciation, which in turn has an effect on your wellbeing."


Pictured below is one of our Year 9 mentor groups who had a social meet at lunchtime where everyone had to go scavenge around for yellow 'stuff'. Tom Craigie's contribution of bananas and a shampoo bottle he feels wasn't as creative as the lemon Zooper Dooper, but the class seemed to enjoy all the antics.  


Numeracy Games Night

This Wednesday 15th September at 6pm, join us for an online numeracy games night!


You will learn how to play a range of fun, interactive and hands on numeracy games that you can continue playing afterwards at home with your family.


Keep an eye out for the link to attend, it will be sent out via Compass prior to the event.

We look forward to seeing you then!

Introductions from Indonesia

Wanda Adani Viandri
Wanda Adani Viandri

UNITE: The Indonesian language department is excited to introduce our languages assistant who will be working with our students for the remainder of the year.  Ms. Zarwanda, will be joining us online from Jakarta in our classes and helping to create authentic and real-world resources for our students to interact with.


Tell us a little bit about yourself?
"My name is Zarwanda Adani Viandri, but you can call me Wanda.  I am 20 years old and I live in the city of Bekasi near Jakarta.  I am currently studying education at the University of Padang. I enjoy singing, reading and writing in my spare time."
Why did you want to work with Surf Coast?
"I am very interested in the world outside Indonesia.  I want to get to know a lot of cultures from various countries, learn to share knowledge with others, and gain insights about Australian culture."
Why do you want to be a teacher?  
"There are many interesting things and joy that can be obtained from being a teacher.  I want to create a classroom that is not boring and attracts children’s attention, promotes learning through play, and laughter.  This is my first time entering the world of education in Australia but I am excited to learn how teachers in Australia teach and to gain some tips and tricks with my teaching."
What are you looking forward to?
"I am very happy for the opportunity to work with Surf Coast which has been given by Padang University.  I am wanting to know more about you and your culture and I am happy because the response from my friends at Surf Coast has already been so kind and friendly."


We welcome Wanda to our school community!