Returning On Site for Senior Students 

We were so excited to welcome our senior students back on site with the announcement from the Victorian Government that Year 12 students and Year 11 student studying a unit 3 and 4 VCE subject could return face-to-face.  Whilst wonderful news that we all embraced, I would like to recognise the huge amount of work put in by the staff who had to again alter their SAC assessments that had been redesigned to be remote in the final week of term.  I appreciate the unwavering dedication that teachers have had to the students at this difficult time for us all.  


I have had many emails from parents and students sharing stories of the support that staff have given to our young people.  We look forward to continuing to support our final year students to the finish line of their VCE exams and completing all of their outcomes in VCAL moving forward.  We also cannot wait until all students in other year levels can return on site and appreciate the patience and support families have given to the College.



Recently, I have been providing the school community with information at the request of the Department of Education and Training, which is working closely with the Department of Health, around vaccinations for eligible young people.  First and foremost, I’d urge you talk to your GP about any health concerns you may have regarding COVID-19 vaccines/testing. I also encourage you to consider the information at, regarding COVID-19 vaccines/testing.


I am not able to provide you with health advice.  I am a Principal, not a medical professional.  The messages we have provided to our school community throughout the COVID-19 pandemic – including regarding vaccines/testing – are the messages authorised by the Department of Education and Training that are in turn based on the very best expert health advice. 


However, we understand that there may be many questions that you have about what this means for our students. I hope that the following provides clarity about some common questions.  The following communications was provided by the DET in response to commonly asked questions:


Are vaccines mandatory for Year 12 students?

No. Vaccination for COVID-19 is voluntary.  However, we are strongly encouraging eligible students to get vaccinated for their safety and for the safety of the community.


My child can’t get vaccinated due to disability/a medical condition, will they still be able to sit the GAT and their exams?

Yes. All students will be able to sit the GAT and final year exams regardless of their vaccination status.  End-of-year exams will be delivered in alignment with the advice of Victoria’s Chief Health Officer and in accordance with COVIDSafe planning.  Students can speak to their doctor if they have questions about vaccination and their health.


Does my child need to be tested for coronavirus before sitting their end-of-year exams?

End-of-year exams will be delivered in alignment with the advice of the Victoria’s Chief Health Officer and in accordance with COVIDSafe planning.  I will communicate any decisions about whether students will need to be tested before their end-of-year exams.



RU Ok day was held on September 9th.  Whilst we were still 100% remote, the staff and students did a wonderful job of checking in on each other and wearing a splash of yellow during the day.


This day is always a meaningful day. Not that we do not consistently engage in making sure the wellbeing of all people in our school community is optimal, but this day is a great way for us to promote the importance of regularly doing so. 


Families can also find some great resources for their home, or own workplace, here


Please continue to work in partnership with the school and let us know if your child/ren does need wellbeing support.


Congratulations to the College’s New Substantive Assistant Principals

The College is currently undertaking a lot of work to get a new leadership team in place for 2022 onwards. The first important step was in appointing three new Assistant Principals.


A big congratulations to:


Andrew Brown                             Lara Campbell                              Rachel Barney  


There was a large field of applicants so it was wonderful to see that these three staff, who currently are all Acting Assistant Principal positions at SCSC, are clearly assets that the College is thrilled to be keeping with us moving forward for the future.  I look forward to working closely with you all.


Erin Wright 

SCSC College Principal