Chaplain’s Corner

Recently, Year 12 student and Senior School Leader, Saskia Hupertz, shared a powerful message at Senior School Chapel.


How tidy is a typical teenager’s room? If someone were to walk into one right at this very moment, would they find it neat, with all the clothes packed away? Or would they find it looking as though a bomb hit it? 


Well, I fit firmly in the latter. I’m not sure how many of you can relate, but I have something that I like to call the Pile. It’s this massive pile of clothes, coat hangers, blankets and who knows what else, that I like to keep at the foot of my bed. It always starts off small, but sooner or later, it starts getting to an alarming height, until I can’t ignore it anymore and then it takes a couple of hours or so to clean. But, if a guest were to walk into my bedroom, they would find it clean, everything quickly stuffed into the cupboard. 


We do the same when we present ourselves to other people. We don’t show them the mess that we’ve got going on behind the scenes. We don’t want to look as though we’re struggling or weak or mean. We don’t want them to judge us and so we present this perfect picture of ourselves in the hope that even if we’re not okay, we look okay.


The truth is, we are all broken. Often in very different ways. Sometimes we don’t even realise the way in which we are broken. Anxiety? Depression? Do insecurities haunt you? Does the past prevent you from moving forward? Do you look at this world and feel hopeless and powerless? Do you look around and ask surely there must be more than this? Do your own thoughts disgust you? Do feel like you aren’t enough? Do you struggle with addiction? Has something happened to you that has left you empty and hollowed out? Does rage dominate your heart so much you are consumed by it? Do you think that you are worthless? 


Brokenness causes you to sin. Brokenness creates distance between you and God. Brokenness can make you feel worthless.

Jesus gave the greatest sacrifice of all so that we would not have to live with brokenness.


Throughout the Bible we see this evident contrast between God and the world. The things of the world are temporary and offer some immediate gratification that fades quickly. We see again and again, that where the world is fickle, God is steadfast. Where the world is chaos, God is peace. Where the world holds back, God is generous.


Jesus gave the greatest sacrifice of all so that we would not have to live with brokenness. He died for us. On His broken body, He bore the sins of the world so that we do not have to be separated from God. So that we can walk beside a God who loves us more than we could ever fathom. 


I believe that we’ve become desensitized to the pure magnitude of Jesus’ sacrifice! It is an unfathomable love that we cannot possibly begin to understand, let alone earn it. And it is evidence of a God who has such grace, power and mercy that He gives us this gift. Not to a few, but to all. 

Romans 3:23
For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God

You do not have to fear being worthless because of your brokenness, because God has judged your worth. I can tell you all of my flaws, because no matter what you think of me, God has shown me again and again that they do not define me. But His love for me does. 


He doesn’t just fix what is broken, He transforms it into something better. He doesn’t just clean your room, He gives you a new one altogether. Where there is death, God gives life. Where there is sin, God gives redemption. Where there is guilt, God gives peace. Where there is sadness, God gives joy. Where there is fear, God gives courage. 


Just remember: you may not be perfect, and you don’t have to be. You also do not need to be broken. Jesus can make you whole!


God bless,








Saskia Hupertz (12.8)