What's happening in the classrooms?

Year 3/4 students have had a busy end to term 3. They have been using new knowledge, skills and strategies, and applying these across all areas of the curriculum during Home Learning, as well as engaging in Wellbeing activities with members of the school community across all year levels.


In Literacy, students have been focusing on researching, planning and drafting their explanation texts on the topic of Ecosystems. During this time, they have been investigating food chains, animal adaptations, and the features and functions of an ocean ecosystem. In the final week of term, students will be editing and publishing their explanation texts.


In Maths, students have been learning new strategies for multiplication and division. During this time, they have been looking at how to identify key information in worded problems to solve for multiplication and division, as well as how to check their answers by using multiple strategies, including arrays, number lines, partitioning and more. The Middle School students are beginning to display confidence and independence in this area of their learning which has been great to see. 


In Inquiry, the Middle School students have been learning about Systems through the lens of their Big Question, ‘What makes a system successful?’ As we move into our final week of the term, students will consolidate their understanding of how systems work and what makes them successful. 


We have ended the term by learning about the life and legacy of Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop. As part of this learning, students completed a research, art or poetry activity to celebrate our first patron saint of Australia.

I hope you have a safe, happy and healthy school holiday break and we look forward to seeing you all again in term 4!


Marnie Newbound

3/4 teacher