
The Show Must Go On! It Will Go On - Monday 8 and Tuesday 9 November

The Production Team has been working hard behind the scenes to continue planning for our School Production ‘Matilda’. The new plan is to perform the show at Collingwood Town Hall on Monday 8 and Tuesday 9 November


Backdrop Competition

The Backdrop Competition will be closing on Friday 3 September. That gives our students one more week to submit their backdrops drawings. The artist of the winning backdrop will receive a hamper of art supplies worth over $50. We will also be offering prizes for runners-up. The learning task is still sitting on your Seesaw page, so it's not too late to enter a drawing. Here is a look at some more amazing backdrop images:


Call Out for Grey Blazers or Suit Jackets

The lead roles that play the Little Kids in ‘Matilda’ require a School Blazer as part of their costume. We are asking if any families happen to have a grey blazer or suit jacket that they are happy to donate for the production to please let us know.