PE & Sport

The latest updates in Physical Education and Sport

Virtual House Olympics - Google Site

I would like to invite all students, teachers and families to participate in Holy Spirit's House Olympics!

On our Google Site you will find a page full of fun, Olympic inspired events that can be done at home! Every entry earns points for their house team!

Check out the page through the link below for all the information you need and get involved!

Weekly score updates will be posted on the Google Site and Dojo.

Athletics Trials Day - Postponed

Due to the current restrictions, our Athletics Trial Day (including the back up date) have been postponed. The District event has also been pushed back to allow schools a chance to reschedule where possible. 

I will work my absolute hardest to reschedule this event and update you when we have some more information.



Keep Active!

Caeleigh Osborne

PE/Sport Coordinator