


3-6 Student Wellbeing Check Ins

A friendly reminder that students are encouraged to complete the digital student wellbeing check ins regularly, these are available on the school website and on Google Classroom / Hapara. 

This enables their class teachers to monitor and track their wellbeing. Parents of Prep - 2 students are encouraged to speak to their child's teacher regarding their wellbeing when appropriate. See below for links also:




Big thanks for all the students and families tuning into our STAR news edition this week, the focus is around behaviour expectations such as:

  • Keeping online microphones muted.
  • Using the Hand Up feature before speaking
  • Following teacher instructions regarding timetables and turning in work.

Our aim is to continue this routine throughout remote learning, please keep a look out for the Zoom links each week, Mondays at 10:50am.






Social / Intrapersonal Skills Focus:

This week we have begun the process of upgrading our Google tech agreement to allow our teachers to run breakout rooms, we have done this to help grow our students social and intrapersonal skills by exploring greater opportunities for collaboration and group work. This will start being rolled out on staff and student accounts next week, we look forward to the benefits this will give our students during a time where social and collaboration have been challenged.


Wellbeing Daily Checklist

To support our students, staff and parents, please see a recommended daily checklist to ensure positive and healthy wellbeing during lockdown periods. 


We can neglect or forget simple things that can have an enormous positive effect on our mental health, in particularly when negative moments and events fill our thoughts and mind. We recommend printing this out, going over this with your children and putting on your fridge for a reference, modelling positive mental health routines can have significant impact on our family wellbeing.



Wellbeing Resources 


Free Webinars


Michael Carr Greg - Coronacoaster with children - 23/8 - 8pm (Highly Recommended)


eSafety Webinars:

1. Online sexual harassment and abuse webinar

2. Parent guide to popular apps

3. Parent guide to digital tech / mental health (Term 4)


Take care all,

Ben Lannen

Wellbeing Leader