Principal's Report

Report from our Principal: Duncan Arendse



Dear parents, friends and Father Arsenio,


What a week it has been. The continuation of the current lockdown has seen our remote learning program shift up a notch. The live assembly had more than 190 participants and I am looking forward to seeing if we can hit 200+ this Friday. What was also noticeable was the number of families who joined in. The students on site also joined in as each room is now equipped with webcams, enabling each room to be live streamed which will be part of the remote learning offered to any students in quarantine when schools open again. Thanks to Kayla and Ben for enabling both things to occur.


I am grateful to the wonderful families who provided morning tea this week to the onsite staff. It is quiet, quite lonely and not school as we know it. This kind gesture by two families was greatly appreciated.


A word of caution if you intend to use the school grounds for any of your recreation. I will be contacting Ringwood police and be requesting they drive by the site as it was very popular last weekend. I have no issues about families using the site, however please make sure you stay within requirements. 


On Wednesday (18/8) I have completed part one of the school's compliance with regulations as a part of the review process. There are aspects of schooling that continue unabated and this is but one. It was nice to have it 'ticked off' but a huge task preparing and I'd like to make mention of Donna, Kayla, Judy and Rachel who provided lots of assistance. We have a great team and I am appreciative of their efforts.


Please feel free to take the time away from the demands of Remote Learning to look after your wellbeing and that of your children. I am confident that we can manage the academic between us however the socialisation of your children at the moment along with their wellbeing should be your main concern. If you can manage online get togethers please feel free to do so particularly in the afternoons.


Finally please don't hesitate to contact me if school fees are becoming problematic because of the current lockdown.  I appreciate that not everyone is fortunate in the current circumstances and I am only too willing to assist.


Have a great week
