Welcome to another snap shot of what’s happening at YMCA OSCH.  Can you believe Easter Break is coming? …


We have attached our Easter Break program for your perusal. We have loads of spots available, so please don’t worry if you haven’t organised care yet for this holiday break period.


YMCA Tallebudgera OSHC Leadership Program is up and running. Congratulations to our inspired leaders! The service looks amazing with your role modelling on how to pack away and care for our environment, imbedding these rules and ways into our program and systems. The badges look wonderful!    


Why is art important? It tells a story, a special way of documenting.  The sea themed service has come to an end, with our focus now being on the Easter program. Please see your child’s art work in their induvial art folder, for your pleasure to take home and visibly enjoy. 😊


What are the benefits of Loose Parts Play?

It helps children observe, enquire, investigate, construct, deconstruct and engage with both others and the world around them. Loose parts play has many benefits, both for the child and for the adults involved. Loose parts play include imagination and creativity boost, greater independence, better problem solving, improved concentration and of course language and vocabulary development. The list can go on….


Children engaged in a wide range of lose ended messy play which develops the children’s being and belonging into our environment.



Thank you for your patience whilst we went through another change with our booking system. If you are having issues using the new app ‘My Family Lounge” come and see Miss Lisa. Some families still have paperwork outstanding at the service, it would be greatly appreciated if you could take 3 minutes to sign for our compliance systems.


As a non-profit organisation YMCA OSHC services rely on prompt payment of fees to ensure they remain viable, pay staff and run our many other assistance programs in the community. Accounts are due by close of business Friday. Accounts remaining unpaid and that are 21 days in arrears will receive a notice of suspension. Once an account is suspended, further bookings will be not be possible until the account is paid in full. 


If accounts become in arrears whilst paying by B-Pay, or the Pay Now option, families will be required to use direct debit. If they remain unpaid for two consecutive transactions, bookings will be automatically suspended, and continuing enrolment reviewed. Any accounts remaining unpaid will be forwarded to the debt collectors with further fees and charges added and no further bookings will be possible.


We look forward to another successful Easter break program with lots of fun and memories to make. 


Please see attached below for our fee schedule - 



Yours in education and care, 

Miss Lisa, Miss Genia, Miss Kate, Miss Kirra, Miss Danii, Miss Bronwyn and Miss Phoebe 😊