Principal's Report 

Zoe Harlow










As Term 1 draws to a close, I extend thanks to our school community for their ongoing positivity, partnership and support! Together we make our school the best it can possibly be.


I love the fact that our students are able to learn in an environment where families are so friendly with each other and our staff.  The smiles, waves and kind words really do make a very special difference and provide excellent examples for our young people.


I wish all families safe and happy holidays and look forward to seeing you when school resumes for Term 2 (Monday, 17/4/23)!





I am very proud of the attitudes and efforts of our Year 3 and Year 5 students who participated in NAPLAN recently.  Calm and confident students were a credit to our teachers who focused appropriately on continuing our normal caring approach, with the emphasis on children simply trying their best.


Whilst our school achieves at a high level in NAPLAN, our priority remains the daily learning and positive school experience for our students. 



Prep Hat Parade


Yesterday, Preps had a hat parade and showed parents and carers the hats they had made.  We have very artistic students!  Thank you to family members who were able to attend.



House Behaviour Reward Activity


Congratulations to Dwyer (one of our 3 houses) for being recognised as showing the most outstanding behaviour throughout Term 1!  They were rewarded with a water-fun activity on our oval today and it was spectacular.  We value high standards of student conduct and reward the winning house each term.



Teaching Staff and Parent School Council Member Announcement


Thank you to the staff and parents who nominated to be members of our school council. Congratulations to Chenoa McKerchar (non-teaching staff member) and Matt Tengdahl (teaching staff member) who were elected as the Staff School Council Members and Adrian Hays who was elected as the Parent School Council Member.  Adrian joins Fiona Luke who is the second Parent School Council Member (elected last year).



Bush Tucker Garden


During the holidays, work will commence on our Bush Tucker garden.  This is a large project and will take an extended period of time to establish.  We look forward to a grand opening later in the year and the opportunity to be able to use this important new learning environment to meaningfully teach First Nation knowledge and perspectives, reflecting significant research and the Australian Curriculum.


This project is possible thanks to the generous support of our community through P&C fundraisers.


Special thanks go to Justine Dillon, who is a Traditional Custodian of the land on which we teach and learn, for her guidance and Sharna Gordon, our Curriculum Leader (4-6) for leading the work. 



Zoe Harlow
