Secondary School News

Linda Wakeling 

Staff and students were happy to return to school after a much needed break. We started last week off by celebrating ANZAC day. Student leaders held a ceremony on the first Wednesday back. An announcement was made where student leaders made a speech and read the Ode before a minute silence. Student leaders then lowered the flags at the front of the school and raised them again to acknowledge the service people lost in the first world war.  Classes listened to the announcement, played the last stand and had a minute silence. Our students were very respectful during this time and were eager to learn why we acknowledge ANZAC day. 


Our Advance students this term are visiting SYN FM each week. This is an amazing program where students not only learn about the running of a radio station but also learning job related skills such as meeting deadlines, work expectations, safety in the work place, collaboration and also skills such as travel training to and from and learning to be independent. Each week each student prepares a piece which is then read and recorded to be aired on SYN FM. Our students value this program and take pride in hearing themselves each week on the radio. 


Wednesdays for Advance are interschool sports days. This week they have been playing Soccer which our students are very passionate about. It was great hearing how much our students are enjoying this activity. All students have shown passion for the game but also great sportsmanship by being considerate and respectful to the other teams. Advance students have also been practising out in the playgrounds and including the other students in secondary. Well done to our Advance student for being great role models for your peers. 


Last week, we had the pleasure of welcoming our new Hands on Learning Café teacher – Helen to JSA. Helen has amazing experiences working as a chef and within other schools. Helen will be supporting rooms 23 and 24 to run the canteen program this term. Staff and students are all looking forward to this starting again. 

Room 24

Daisy, Samir, Kerem, Max, Roshan, Daksh, Firas and Katarina, have had a great learning and fun experience during Term 1 and the beginning of Term 2, 2023.


Room 24 enjoyed participating in different activities during Term 1.  For example “Hands On Learning Cafe”.


Nelly, Nirosha and Shraddha, are looking forward to continuing assisting students in Room 24 to have a rewarding learning journey during the rest of the year.