Primary Sub School Stars of the Week

Room 1

  • Alex for following his mini schedule independently.
  • Liam for improvement with his eye-contact and completing learning tasks. 

Room 2

  • Ransher and Evie for listening to teacher instructions in the classroom and in the playground. 

Room 3

  • Celine has demonstrated she can choose a goodbye song independently.
  • Scarlett has demonstrated she can unpack her school bag independently.

Room 4

  • Logan has demonstrated a great transition so far to JSA. Logan has shown an interest in games that involve shopping and loves being out in the playground. Logan has been enjoying spending time with his new classmates. Well done!
  • Lara has demonstrated that she can make good choices. Lara has shown an interest in talking toys and loves the new resources. Lara has shown diligence during activity time and completes all her set tasks. Well done!


Room 5

  • Dexter, for acknowledging when he needs a break and then re-engaging in a work session. 
  • Saven, for showing good manners and being a great helper in the classroom! Saven is always quick to offer a peer or teacher assistance when needed.

Room 6

  • Ali for demonstrating increasing confidence by successfully transitioning into his new school. Well done Ali.
  • Aria for using more single words to request for familiar objects throughout the day in the class.

Room 7

  • All of Room 7 for a great start to Term 2. 

Room 8

  • Kivanc for working independently and Maddison for expanding her vocabulary and using her new words to make requests.

Room 9

  • Laith for excellent maths work and looking after property.
  • Carter for making good choices and completing his work to the best of his ability.