Facilities News 

Dr Denise Clarke              Frances Hansen

Capital Works Manager     Facilities Manager


Capital Works 

The Sensory Room is finally finished. The lock was put on the door on Wednesday so now staff are transferring the soft fall mats and other equipment into the room.  The ramp leads to the climbing gym which is now accessible while the other works are finished.

The area around the room has been landscaped with a budding magnolia trying to establish itself.  

Sensory room with ramp to climbing room
Sensory room with ramp to climbing room

Yaluk Building

We are finally seeing above-ground progression of the new building. Stage one steel was delivered during the holidays and is being craned and bolted into place. This provides the infrastructure for three secondary classrooms that are in the building.

Stage 2 steel will be delivered on Tuesday 9th May between 7.30 and 9. This will disrupt parents who are doing the middle school drop-offs. The carpark entry gate will be blocked off so entry and exit will be by the gate closest to the administration building. Please exercise caution and patience especially on Tuesday.

Steel delivery
Building taking shape.
Electrical Kiosk.
Steel delivery
Building taking shape.
Electrical Kiosk.

A new electrical kiosk was installed over the holidays. This is to provide more power to the new building as well as upgrading the electrical capacity across the site. There will be a fence surrounding the school side of the kiosk - isolating it from the carpark.



Facilities Manager

During the holidays, works on the school grounds continued:

  • The Birds Nest swing was installed in Playground 3 we are currently waiting on the rubber fall to be installed underneath before opening the swing for student use.
  • Ramp to the bike container in the bus loop was constructed.
  • Asphalt was installed in the bus loop beside the new room this removes the large area that used to flood when it rained.
Bus loop
Bike Container bus loop
Birds Nest Swing
Bus loop
Bike Container bus loop
Birds Nest Swing


As part of the Victorian Government Energy Upgrade: 

  • Existing double fluorescent lights (where possible) have been replaced with energy efficient LED lights.
  • Existing outdoor hot water systems will be replaced with heat pump hot water services.
  • Existing reverse cycle AC units will be assessed for replacement.