Around the College 

World’s Greatest Shave 2023


On Monday 3 April 2023, the Nazareth College community came together for a very special and inspiring event, The World’s Greatest Shave, which was organised by Christian and Michael Stabile of Year 8.  The boys decided to participate in this fundraising event in honour of their grandmother, who unfortunately passed away last year with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia.


After much planning, preparation and anticipation, the time had finally arrived. Many students and staff members assembled in the Wheeler Auditorium to support Michael and Christian as they had their heads shaved, in order to raise money and awareness for the Leukaemia Foundation. Our Deputy Principal, Mr Duckett showed his great support by also volunteering to have his head shaved.

We are very grateful to Ms Vicky Palladino, (a Nazareth parent), who very kindly volunteered her services as a hairdresser to shave the heads of the participants. Thank you also to all members of the Nazareth and extended community who made donations to Michael and Christian in support of their fundraising efforts. The original target of $500 was increased to $1000, and this was greatly surpassed, with the boys raising almost $2600. This notable and substantial amount of money will go to the Leukaemia Foundation to support people with blood cancer and also to help researchers who are working on finding cures for this disease.


Most importantly, Christian and Michael are to be commended and thanked for their commitment to the World’s Greatest Shave and for their awesome fundraising efforts. They have gone above and beyond to support others in need and to honour their late grandmother, and this inspiring event is one that will be remembered for a very long time. Well done!



Mr Victor Brusco

Head of House MacKillop





Top Tips for Parents

PAM Support:

Here you will find instructions on accessing reports, updating medical information, reporting an absence and more.


Reporting your child absent:


There are several options to register your child absent.

  • Go PAM before 9.00 am to record your child absent. Use this link if you need help navigating
  • Text 0417 187 789 with your child’s name, year level, Pastoral group and reason for absence.
  • Call the College on 9795 8100. Office hours are 8.00 am – 4.30 pm.
  • Please contact the College before 10.30 am, as you will receive an SMS advising your child is absent without reason after this time. When reporting an absence, please provide your child's name, year level, Pastoral group, and reason for the absence.

Reporting your child late:

  • Please alert the College if your child will be arriving late. Upon arrival students must sign in at Student Services.

Pick up your child during school hours:

  • Please write a note in your child's organiser to show their pastoral teacher in the morning and in class ask their subject teacher to sign before they leave class. Your child then presents the same message at Student Services before signing out.
  • When collecting your child, make your way to Student Services. Please speak with our staff, who will assist you.
  • If you cannot pick up your child, they can only be collected by your nominated authorised contacts. You would have provided these details when you enrolled them. If your nominated contacts cannot attend the College, you must email giving permission to an alternative person.

Unwell Student during School:

  • If your child becomes unwell during school hours, they must see the nurse in our Health Centre, who will assess your child and contact you if necessary. Please do not communicate directly with your child in this instance. When collecting your child, please go to Student Services to collect them. We thank you for your support in this matter.
  • If you or your nominated contacts cannot attend the College, you must email giving permission to an alternative person to collect your child.

All students must have a medical form completed by a parent/guardian and provided to the College.


Phone Messages:

  • If you receive a missed call from the College, please check for a voicemail first, so you know who to request when you call back.  All outgoing calls from the College show the Reception number.

Phone Policy:

  • Our phone policy applies every day your child is on school grounds. Their phones should be put in their locked locker during school hours.
  • If you need to communicate with your child during school hours, don't hesitate to contact the College at 9795 8100, and we will assist you.

Early finish day:

  • The early finish day is Day 2 (Tuesday) on the calendar (10-day cycle). This is once a fortnight; the date of the first early finish was Tuesday, 7 February 2023.

Permission Forms:

  • To complete permission forms for your child login to PAM, click on your child's picture, and a drop-down box will appear.  Select the correct category and action the permission request. This is used for excursions, SIS sports, and other activities. Don't hesitate to contact the College if you are experiencing difficulties on 9795 8100.


  • For confirmation regarding school uniforms, use the link below. This will provide information, including the seasonal change of the uniform and the correct items to be worn.
  • Full uniform, including a blazer, is required for ALL college Masses and Assemblies. If your child has a practical PE class on the day of one of these events they will need to wear their full school uniform and change for their practical PE period.

School pick up/parking:


Pick up is a busy time of the day!

We encourage our families to exercise patience and be respectful of other drivers and our staff & students. Our students safety is our number one priority.

  • Please use the parking bays provided.
  • Do not double park.
  • Ensure you are parking legally.
  • Advise your child/children to use the crossing when making their way across Manning Drive
  • To avoid the traffic congestion, please consider collecting your child/children at a slightly later time (3.30 pm – 4.00 pm)

Students are welcome to use the Resource Centre to wait for you.

  • Our buses have priority access to the College. Please be mindful to allow a clear run for them to enter the College grounds.