Wellbeing Report 

Importance of Breakfast

Earlier this week we started the term by having a student leadership forum. This was our first real opportunity to work together to consider strategies to promote school improvement and House culture. Many ideas were discussed, and the leaders will now work closely with their Head of House to bring these ideas to action.


This week also saw the introduction of the Breakfast Club. The importance of a good breakfast to start the day has been well researched and known. Breakfast is often called ‘the most important meal of the day’, and for good reason. As the name suggests, breakfast breaks the overnight fasting period: ‘break’ the ‘fast’. It replenishes your supply of glucose to boost your energy levels and alertness, while also providing other essential nutrients required for good health.

Many studies have shown the health benefits of eating breakfast. It improves your energy levels and ability to concentrate in the short term. Children and adolescents who regularly eat breakfast also tend to perform better academically compared with those who skip breakfast. They also feel a greater level of connectedness with teachers and other adults at their school, which leads to further positive health and academic outcomes.

Despite the benefits of breakfast for your health and wellbeing, many people often skip it, for a variety of reasons. Many of our students arrive at school having not eat since early the night before, impacting both their physical and mental ability.

We encourage you to ensure your child understands the importance of breakfast and makes an effort to eat something before school. If for some reason they have not been able to fit this in, they are welcome to come to the Breakfast Club, between 8.00 am-8.30 am in the Auditorium.

Already this week we have served many students toast, fruit and juice, giving them a little more energy for the day ahead.


We thank our Year 12 leaders and volunteer staff who are supporting this initiative by committing themselves to a roster of serving breakfast to our community so that breakfast is available every day.



Ms Jackie Kol

Director of Wellbeing