Deputy Principal Staff and Students Report


As we return to school the liturgical year has moved into the Easter Season. We have this period of time to remember in a special way that we are Easter people. We are people of hope, people of joy. We recall the disciples were transformed through their encounter with the Risen Lord. This made everything different, new for them. As we start a new term, it is a new beginning for us. A time to invite the Risen Lord into our life. A time to start again, aware that if things at school have not been great, there is hope, and a fresh start, time to change.

As we gathered as a school on Friday we prayed and reflected on this message as a community. We encourage parents/guardians/carers to talk with your children about this being a time of new beginning and setting goals to grow as a student and as a person in the term ahead.


A reminder that students are expected to be in winter uniform for Terms 2 and 3. This includes wearing the College blazer to and from school, as well as the College tie. Please refer to the College Organiser if there are any questions about the uniform. If there are any issues with the uniform or items that are missing please write a note for your child and contact their Head of House.

Child Safety

It was great to see so many parents/guardians/carers attending the Student Progress Meetings at the end of the first term. The benefits for our students are very clear when we have parents/guardians/carers and teachers working together supporting each other. We are privileged to be able to share a little in the journey of the students and your families. Please contact us if there are any issues with your child that will impact them at school, so we can be in the best position to offer the best care and support we can. Likewise, if there are any issues of concern about school please contact us so we can work together to support your child. Recently, there have been a number of very positive meetings where parents/guardians/carers have shared information about their child and this has helped teachers find ways to better connect with, support and educate their child. Please do not hesitate to contact a staff member if there is anything you would like to share.

Please also encourage your child to speak to teachers or Wellbeing staff should they have any issues, concerns or struggles. We are here to support and want students to be able to share problems in the hope that we can assist them.

Student Engagement

This term we have the College Production, music camp, SIS weekly sport starting, Cross Country, opportunities for St Vincent De Pail, lunchtime activities, chess club, lego etc. We encourage students to get involved, to participate broadly in school life for their enjoyment, growth and development. We encourage parents/guardians/carers to discuss with your child the different activities and opportunities at school and encourage them to get involved. Finding their 'thing' may make all the difference for a student at school.

We wish everyone all the best for the term. It is a shorter one. We look forward to working together in Term 2 2023.


God Bless



Mr Justin Duckett

Deputy Principal Staff and Students