Upcoming dates 


05 - Intermediate Boys Volleyball at home vs SFX & St Peter's

      - Intermediate Girls Football away vs Padua 

      - Intermediate Boys Football at home vs SFX

08 - Music Camp (to 09/05/23)

      - Careers Assembly Years 11 & 12

09 - Try-a-Trade excursion

10 - School Tour

11 - Mass in the Chapel at 8.10 - all welcome

      - Year 8 Reflection Day

      - Textiles incursion VCE Textile students

      - Junior Boys Soccer at home vs SFX

      - Junior Girls Netball away vs Padua

      - Junior Boys Volleyball at home vs St Peter's

      - Senior Boys Football BYE

12 - Intermediate Girls Football at home vs Hillcrest

      - Intermediate Boys Volleyball away vs Berwick

      - Intermediate Boys Football away vs St Peter's

16 - House Cross Country (held on campus)

17 - GAT information session 

18 - Mass in the Chapel at 8.10 - all welcome

      - Victorian Careers Expo excursion - Year 12s

      - Senior Boys Football away vs Woodleigh

      - Junior Boys Soccer at home vs SFX

      - Junior Boys Volleyball at home vs Hillcrest

      - Junior Girls Netball away vs Hillcrest

19 - Intermediate Boys Football at home vs SFX

      - Intermediate Boys Volleyball away vs SFX

      - Intermediate Girls Football BYE

Nazareth College Production - Seussical.

Tickets are on sale now for Thursday 1 June, Friday 2 June and Saturday 3 June.  Each performance starts at 7.00 pm.  Prices start at $18.00.  Tickets are available from Humanitix through the link below:


Enrolments for Year 7 2025

Do you have a younger child currently in Grade 5? Please be aware the enrolment closing date for all current Grade 5 students who are looking to enrol for Year 7 2025 is Friday 19 August at 4.00pm.  All applications need to be submitted by this date.


Applications are submitted via the College website on the following link: https://enrol.nazareth.vic.edu.au/application-for-enrolment/start. Please ensure that all of the requested documentation is provided and that the parent details (for all guardians of the student) are completed.


We have a limited number of places available for Year 7 2024.  If you have not yet enrolled your child for next year please do so as soon as possible, using the same link as above.


Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to our Enrolments department at enrol@nazareth.vic.edu.au or ring the College directly at 9795 8100 and ask to speak with our Registrar, Ms Bernadette Bryant. 

Bring a New Culture into your Home

We want to ask our community if any of our families would consider becoming a homestay for our international student(s). 

When you become a host family for an exchange student, you are doing more than making their dreams come true and providing them with a home away from home.

As a homestay family, you also:

  • Give back to your local community
  • Gain a greater understanding and respect for different cultures
  • Experience a different culture first-hand; and
  • Provide an immersive experience for a student

Home stay families are reimbursed $325.00 a week per student. 

Families are welcome to opt-in for a six month trial to determine whether this suits your family and your home environment.

If you are interested in becoming a homestay family or would like some more information, please get in touch with Suzanne Hatley-Smith on:

Phone: 0437 665 254

Email: sue.hatley-smith@nazareth.vic.edu.au