Principal's Report

Dear Parents, Guardians, and friends of Nazareth


The College is definitely back into the swing of things. It has been bustling since the return of students.


Yesterday twenty eight (28) students and a number of staff attended the SIS swimming sports. They competed against a number of students from other SIS schools. Congratulations on your selection, attendance, and competition. I commend you and the staff for your training, dedication, and willingness to give your best. You have done the College proud. The results will be highlighted in the sports section.


Our production cast have been rehearsing for numerous weeks and, of late, have given up their student free days to rehearse and master their roles. We are looking forward to opening night to see our students at their best. Tickets are on sale, so reserve your seats, as these normally sell out.


On Tuesday, our Year 12 students sat a practice GAT exam. This is to broaden their experience in exam conditions and to prepare them for the actual GAT exam later in the year.


This coming Monday, seventy (70) plus students and 8-10 staff will attend the Music Camp for two days.

This gives the students and staff time to work on their individual and group instrumental music program. I thank our staff for giving up their evenings and time to ensure our students develop their talents to the best of their ability. We look forward to the ensembles and individual performances in the coming months.


This week we launch our new breakfast program. This allows students that usually rush off without breakfast to come into school between 8.00 am to 8.30 am and have something to eat to nourish them for their learning throughout the day. I thank our Business Manager, Mr Lee Perry, for providing the funds from the school budget to set up this program. I also thank our Director of Wellbeing, Ms Jackie Kol, together with our Year 12 student leaders and staff volunteers who will assist each morning in the setup and supervision while providing toast, cereal, juice, yoghurt, and hot drinks to those that wish to indulge. Everyone is welcome.


Finally, I am pleased to report that the new Food and Hospitality Centre's building project is scheduled to be completed by mid-June. A new lift has also been ordered and will be put in place in the Auditorium adjacent to the chapel so that accessibility will be opened up to the top level of the Auditorium. I have attached some photos of the progress works.


Keep safe, and God bless



Mr Sam Cosentino
