
Easter is not just a day, it is a season that goes until 28 May, Pentecost Sunday. It is good to ask the question – what does Easter 2023 mean for us? Pope Francis points us in the right direction in his 2023 Easter message. He made some points that are valuable for us to reflect on:

“We are not alone: Jesus, the Living One, is with us, forever,” he said. “Let the Church and the world rejoice, for today our hopes no longer come up against the wall of death, for the Lord has built us a bridge to life.”


In his message, Pope Francis prayed for the people in countries suffering from war, conflict, or natural disaster, including Ukraine, Russia, Turkey, Syria, Jerusalem, Lebanon, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Myanmar.


He asked the Lord to help the African countries of South Sudan, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Tunisia, Eritrea, Burkina Faso, Mali, Ethiopia, and Mozambique.


“Let us make haste to surmount our conflicts and divisions, and to open our hearts to those in greatest need,” he urged. “Let us hasten to pursue paths of peace and fraternity. Let us rejoice at the concrete signs of hope that reach us from so many countries, beginning with those that offer assistance and welcome to all fleeing from war and poverty.”


“‘Christ is risen; he is truly risen!’ In this traditional proclamation of the Churches of the East: Christòs anesti! That word ‘truly’ reminds us that our hope is not an illusion, but the truth!” he said. “And that, in the wake of Easter, humanity’s journey, now marked by hope, advances all the more readily.”


In his Easter Vigil Address, Pope Francis speaks of hope. It is with this hope that we commence a new school term that we can renew our commitment to all the work that we do and to treating everyone with kindness and respect.


One thing is certain, if Jesus had not risen from the dead and appeared to his disciples, we would never have heard of him. Nothing else could have changed sad and despairing men and women into people radiant with joy, hope and courage. The reality of the resurrection is the central fact of the Christian faith. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, the Lord gives us "eyes of faith and hope" to know him and the power of his resurrection. The greatest joy we can have is to encounter the living Christ and to know him personally as our Lord and Saviour.


May the joy and hope of Easter be reflected in the way we live our lives each day!


Holy Family of Nazareth – Be our inspiration and our guide.

Jesus of Nazareth – Help us to grow in faith, wisdom and knowledge.


For Pope Francis’ complete Easter Message click on the button below.