
13 Reasons Why - Netflix
Some of you may be aware of the tv series ‘13 reasons why’ on Netflix. It is a show about a young girl who takes her own life. I have heard a few students in wellbeing talking about the show and I just wanted to alert parents to the series and make sure you are aware that the series can be quite distressing. If you do allow your child to watch the series, I urge you to take the opportunity to have an open mature conversation about suicide; that it is not the only option to dealing with pain and suffering and that there is plenty of support that they can access. A reminder that we have several support options at school and if you want any further advice please don’t hesitate to contact me on 97585022.
Here is a link to some comments made by leading child psychologist Dr. Michael Carr-Gregg: http://www.3aw.com.au/news/mental-health-experts-slam-netflix-series-13-reasons-why-accuses-show-of-glamourising-suicide-20170419-gvnjns.html
EACH Program - SHINE
Do you often feel worried, sad or stressed?
Is this causing problems in your relationships with others? Shine is a group program for young women aged 14-17 years who are experiencing symptoms of anxiety and/or depression that are having an impact on their self-esteem and relationships. The program will cover topics such as body image, identity, coping skills, friendships, communication and respect. All young women referred to the program will meet with the facilitators prior to the program beginning to ensure the program will best meet their needs.
For further details, please contact Melanie Fearn on 8878 3800 or mfearn@each.com.au
Where: EACH Youth & Family 14 Silver Grove, Nunawading
When: Thursdays 11th May – 15th June, 2017 (6 Consecutive weeks)
Time: 9:30am-12pm
Cost: FREE
FREE Parent Workshops
Thriving and Surviving VCE
“Learn strategies to support your teen to cope with the stress of VCE “
- Do you want to stay connected to your teen through the often difficult path of balancing study and life?
- Do you want to be able to offer them support that is useful in helping them to problem solve and resolve conflict?
- Do you want to develop tools to support yourself and your family?
Where: Knox City Council, Civic Centre, Room 3, 511 Burwood Hwy Wantirna South
When: Thursday 1 June 2017 from 7 - 9pm
Cost: FREE !
Guest Speaker – Julia Russell, Parent Educator & Group Facilitator, Parentzone Eastern. Bookings are essential.
Contact Michelle Pascoe t: 9298 8311 or e: michelle.pascoe@knox.vic.gov.au