Term 4

Who can believe it! This is the last week of the 2019 school year and the final Lower Primary newsletter. It is also that time of the year when semester reports have been sent home to you. As I read these reports, I was impressed by the individual achievements of each of our students and the tremendous effort that they had put into their school work this semester. Well done everyone.
I would like to highlight and acknowledge the important role that our specialist programs; Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Physical Education and Library play in the overall development of our students. Our students love the specialist programs and especially enjoy building on their skills and knowledge outside the day to day classroom environment. The Showcase and Pirate Show performance with the Bushwahzee Band was the major focus for the Specialist program this semester. Within Visual Arts, students were involved in making props and costumes, in the Performing Arts and Physical Education programs students practised fundamental motor skills, dance and performance skills all of which ultimately led to the wonderful Pirate Shoe performance.
The display of student work in the Gym was impressive and showcased the fantastic work that occurs within Lower Primary. To see work from across all curriculum areas displayed on mass was truly a sight to behold, and is evidence of the exceptional program that is offered to students. Everyone who came along to the Showcase was most impressed with variety and standard of work that was presented.
I would especially like to acknowledge the specialist teachers, Suzanne Bates, Jackie Ellis and Helen Tsonis for organising the event and most importantly, for delivering programs that enabled each child’s motor skills, dance and performance skills to emerge. I would also like to thank them and the Lower Primary staff for helping to make the Showcase a reality.
The sleepover is always a highlight but for PLJ, PRS and PAS there was very special addition to the day this year. This was kept a “secret” until the students returned to school after a day at the Enchanted Adventure Garden on the Mornington Peninsula. Although the rain came down at times the students were still participated in and enjoyed all activities. They explored the mazes and adventure activities which included tube slides and bushland obstacle courses. After the long day out, students came back to school to find they were going camping …inside! The multi-purpose had been transformed into a campsite complete with two man tents, lanterns and log seating. The look on the students faces when they saw the set up for the first time was priceless, a mixture of surprise and excitement. The sleeping arrangements certainly provided a different dimension to our sleepover and one that the students absolutely loved. We had a traditional campsite BBQ dinner and by that time most seemed exhausted. However, the new sleeping arrangements and excitement of the day, led to a later night than usual, but with the help of some mediation music and white noise, sleep finally prevailed. The following day was spent at Lattitude where all students had fun on the trampoline including basketball, jumping into the foam pit and on the large pillow. The students are to be congratulated for the way they participated enthusiastically in every activity and for their cooperation with each other and their teachers
The Transition to School program has been very successful. It has given the 2020 Prep students, and students moving to us from other schools, an opportunity to get to know the school environment, to work and play with current students, and meet the teachers before starting school next year. It has certainly helped to make these new little people feel comfortable and happy to come back next year! We look forward to welcoming these children and their parents to Lower Primary, and to the Concord School community in 2020.
Lower Primary is now in celebration mode. We have celebrated a great year’s work, the achievements of all our students particularly those who are moving to Upper Primary, and of course Christmas! Our special celebrations have included the farewell assembly, visits to the Discovery Centre, end of year excursions and special class lunches.There has been lots of celebrating.!
The final assembly of the year was the opportunity to acknowledge the achievements of all Lower Primary students and to farewell those students who are moving to Upper Primary. Congratulations to Jake, Madison, Alexander, Shanae, Jonah, Lucy,Trent, Lachlan, Aaron, Bodhi, Marcus, Aidan, Tito , Ali and Kellie.
These students are now ready to confidently meet the challenges that the Upper Primary has to offer. They have been a very special part of Lower Primary and we are very proud of them. These students have worked hard, made lots of good friends and have always tried to do their best. We congratulate each student, and thank them for their contribution to Lower Primary
Lower Primary students were very excited to visit the Discovery Centre throughout the week to participate in Christmas activities. Students all got to make a Christmas card for their families, visit the Mile Room for a Whoville Christmas and take some amazing Christmas photos using the green screen in the Movie making Room. All students got into the Christmas spirit and cannot wait to show their families and carers their special cards and photos.
As the year comes to a close it means we must say farewell to our educational trainees. We thank Josie, Mahni and Jasmine for all their hard work and commitment to the students and wish them all the best for the future.
The Lower Primary staff would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We thank you for your cooperation and support and look forward to working with you and your wonderful children again next year. Happy and safe holidays!
Kath Moore
Campus Principal