
Whats happening in the Food Technology Area ?

Our Food Truck Hero's

Our two VCAL 12 food classes recently designed, prepared and produced meals for our local food truck. The Cranbourne Food Truck provides free food and fellowship to the needy and disadvantaged of the Cranbourne area and our aim is to make our clients feel socially included in a community which is caring and supportive of their needs.  Our Year 12 students did an amazing job with their meals and the food truck was very thankful for their support and effort.

A big thank you from Miss Hughes and Mrs Schmidt


Hospitality Classes Langham Industry Visit

The 1st and 2nd Year Hospitality Students spent a day visiting Melbourne's 5 Star Langham Hotel. Students were treated to a behind the scenes tour by one of the food and beverage team members where they were able to visit the hotel kitchens, a couple of the guest rooms, the exclusive Langham club and the store house. The head of the security team Mark was able to also give students some insight into the different types of jobs available at the Langham and spoke to the students about his role in the hotel where he looks after the security of guests both low key and high key guests.

All in all a great day for students to dress up, experience whats out there in the industry and enjoy a lovely buffet lunch.


Year 10 Food

Our year 10 food classes have recently designed, prepared and produced some amazing cakes as a part of this terms assessments. our students are  very talented when being creative.

The pictures tell it all so enjoy !


What’s happening in Materials technology?

The Year 7&8 wood classes have been designing and creating boxes this term. They have mastered Butt joints and learned to use different woodwork tools while making their boxes.