The majority of our Year 10 students will be commencing work experience on the 17th September. 

Work experience provides students with the valuable opportunity to:

  • develop employability skills
  • explore possible career options
  • understand employer expectations, and
  • increase their self-understanding, maturity, independence and self-confidence.

Students are placed with employers primarily to observe and learn – not to undertake activities which require extensive training or expertise.


We look forward hearing from them upon their return next term. 



This term VCE Year 12 students have been undertaking the important process of preparing their Victorian Tertiary Admission Centre (VTAC) selections for next year.  Information, guidance and assistance has been delivered through a number of after school workshops, including a VTAC session, a SEAS session and a scholarship session.  Each student has received a copy of the VTAC Year 11 and 12 Guide too. 

Date Reminders

Applications through VTAC                                        27 September, 2018 (5pm)

SEAS applications close                                                    12 October, 2018 (5pm)

Scholarship applications through VTAC close         12 October, 2018 (5pm)



Students applying for courses that have essential requirements (i.e. submitting a folio, a pre-selection kit, arranging an interview, etc.) are reminded that failure to meet the deadline date for these means students may no longer be eligible for selection into their desired course. ALL CRANBOURNE SECONDARY STUDENTS MUST APPLY FOR SEAS CATEGORY 1. 


Senior VCAL students are currently working with Mrs Kathie Jacobs to work through their transition plans.  It is important that all of our students take control and work alongside our careers team to plan for their post school destination/s.

We would encourage all eligible students to seriously consider the FREE TAFE courses being offered by the government in 2019.  


From 1 January 2019, Free TAFE for Priority Courses covers tuition fees for priority courses for students who are eligible for government-subsidised training. This includes:

  • 30 priority non apprenticeship courses
  • 20 Victorian apprenticeship pathway courses (sometimes called pre apprenticeships).


Free TAFE courses lead to occupations in industries where there are likely to be more jobs. Some of them lead to work in important areas like preventing family violence, rolling out the National Disability Insurance Scheme in Victoria and delivering our major infrastructure projects.  Please visit the FREE TAFE website to find out more. 

Non-apprenticeship courses

Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping

Diploma of Accounting

Certificate IV in Alcohol and Other Drugs

Advanced Diploma of Accounting

Certificate IV in Ageing Support

Certificate II in Agriculture

Certificate III in Agriculture

Certificate IV in Agriculture

Certificate III in Agriculture (Dairy Production)


Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance

Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance

Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building) 

Diploma of Building and Construction (Building)

Advanced Diploma of Building Surveying

Certificate IV in Child, Youth and Family Intervention