Hands On Learning

VET Building & Construction

Recently, Alan Kaye from Glenvoss P/L, conducted scaffolding training for our first and second year VET Building students. Alan took the students through the safe and correct procedures to erect a mobile aluminium tower scaffold and a modular steel scaffold. He was able to provide first-hand experience of the pitfalls and potential for accidents that could occur with this sort of activity. Students were then required to complete a Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS), to record all tasks involved; identify the hazards and how they were to control the hazards for a given work scenario.


Late last term, students also completed training for their Construction industry ‘White Card’ with Steven Bennets from Bendigo TAFE, to enable them to become familiar with an industry induction and take part in work placements.


During 2018 our first and second year students have been working on individual and collaborative projects comprising: the scale house, carpenter’s saw ‘horse’, small cubby house / dog kennel project, and a combined Hip and Gable roof.

Andrew Azzopardi

Victorian Miniature Railway

Check out this this update on 9News ....more shots in the next issue.