Sporting News 

Division Swimming Domination!

On Tuesday 7 March, Nossal’s Swim Team again dominated at Division Swimming, taking away 41 golds, along with 18 silvers and 6 bronzes. In particularly exciting news, almost all relay teams won their event, as well as a few seconds, meaning we will have a huge team progressing to the Region competition on Monday 27 March. All competitors should be proud of their efforts today, and I thank them for their willingness to fill spaces in events and friendly attitudes for making the day so enjoyable and smooth.


Special congratulations to our top swimmer of the day, Ethan, who won all 7 out of his 7 events. 


Wish us luck for Regionals!


Miss Anita Coffa

Interschool Sports Coordinator

Division Tennis - Winning Report!

On the 27 February, the intermediate and senior girls and boys teams competed in the Casey North Division tennis tournament. We played at the Pakenham Regional Tennis centre, where  our teams played on grass and hard courts. 


The day started off with the senior girls' team playing against Berwick College. We had to play a full set, meaning we had to play six games because Berwick College was our only opposition. Each of our players played exceptionally well, taking us all to regionals.


The intermediate girls and boys team and the senior boys' team had to play 4 games. Despite the rain, they still persevered and won against all the other schools. 


Everyone played their best tennis. In our doubles matches especially, our teamwork and sportsmanship was outstanding. Overall, it was an enjoyable and successful day for all our Nossal tennis teams, with all of us now going to Regionals!

By Nishka Abhayawansa - 0N1

Unit 1 and 2 Surfing and Aquatic Experiences

Last week, we went on a 3-day surfing trip with our 1/2 PE class. It was an adventure-filled journey that was full of excitement, challenges, and unforgettable memories. We arrived to our first beach, San Remo, early on Wednesday morning, after 2 hours filled with music, laughter and the bleeding of Mr Rule and Mr Haverfield’s ears. It was a picturesque spot, surrounded by a beautiful coastline and the crystal-clear beach, topped off with a rainbow after a morning of showers.


Koh, Arjun, Danny and Karishma spent no time getting out the Gridiron ball and began playing on some rocks nearby. We dawdled behind the enthusiastic Mr. Rule to the end of the beach, before the dreaded the walk back. Many slips on the wet rocks and soggy shoes later (much to the dismay of Ms. Pumphrey’s Car), we were back in the van.

Then we continued our bus ride to Smiths' beach on the Southwest of Phillip Island. There, we encountered our biggest challenge of the trip…the wetsuits. Once we finally put them on, we dragged our surfboards down to a cloudy Smith’s beach. The two-hour lesson was filled with many slips and falls, but we all slowly got the hang of it, just in time for the end of our session. On the way back to Nossal we stopped by at San Remo again for their famous fish and chips and a view of the pier. And spotted some stingrays the width of our bus!


On the second day, we went to Bangholme Cable Park, a much shorter journey but enjoyable, nonetheless. We arrived just in time for our wakeboarding session. We got wet-suited up and were out on the cables. Although it looked very intimidating at first, we all quickly got the hang of it. We progressed quickly from knee boarding, to wake boarding, and some of us even tried body dragging. Of course, Mr. Rule continued to outshine us all with his tricks, whilst we all continued falling on our faces trying to wakeboard, but that was becoming a pattern of the trip.


Finally, it was time for lunch, where we enjoyed unarguably the best chips of the trip, complete with our shivering bodies, it was a match made in heaven. Then we moved on to the inflatables, which more time was spent falling off than actually completing the obstacles. We all shoved and pushed with Mr Rule ultimately getting the last laugh. Then we continued our in-class tournament, with the red team absolutely whooping the blue team.


The final day of our trip was a bit bittersweet. We firstly made our way down to the Sand Dunes at Woolamai Beach, to try boogie boarding. After a lot of sandy buttocks later, we all resorted to a dip in the ocean to wash off, which quickly became another excuse to goof around.


Then we drove to Smiths Beach for our last surfing lesson, where many more people stood up on their boards, but everyone still managed to get wiped out. After a quick IGA haul, we were back in the van, embarking on our final ride back. As we drove back home, tired but happy, we reflected on our trip and all the experiences we had shared. We had grown closer as a class and had created memories that would last a lifetime. The surf ‘camp’ was truly an unforgettable experience that we will always cherish.


Arni Patel - Year 10

Intermediate Girls’ Volleyball Team 

On Thursday 23 February, Nossal students competed in interschool volleyball in the Casey North Division at Dandenong Stadium. I would like to extend my thanks to Ms Vanstan and Ms Coffa for accompanying the team on the day and helping to organise the team prior to the event. A special thank you to Vaidehi and Tess (and many others) who spent countless lunchtimes perfecting our skills before the games as we couldn’t have done it without you! 


We had a lively day playing games against schools such as Fountain Gate SC, Gleneagles SC, and Timbarra SC. The inter girls team won all the games in their draw and advanced to the finals, but unfortunately lost one set and soon lost in a blink of an eye. It made for an interesting but nail-biting game to watch (and play) with points changing from team to team with each rally. 


I would recommend joining a sporting team as it broke the barrier of meeting and getting along with new people. Joining the team, working together and winning, was a great achievement in itself.


Speaking of achievements, I would like to congratulate and wish the senior team volleyball teams the best of luck as they continue on to the southern metropolitan region volleyball. I'm sure they're going to make Nossal proud!  


Sanjana Shankar - Year 10