Japanese News
Newsletter Term 1
みなさん、こんにちは!In term 1, students have been engaged in lots of speaking activities in Japanese. Foundation students are learning some basic greetings and phrases. It’s been a joy to see them use “konnichiwa” as a greeting out and around the school! Year 1/2s are learning how to count past 10. They have been superstars, challenging themselves to find out what numbers up to 99 look and sound like in Japanese using their knowledge of place value. Year 3/4s are introducing a friend in Japanese. They can introduce every member of our school community in Japanese with the correct honorifics! Year 5/6s have been using Japanese to name various objects in Japanese and are making minibooks for their prep buddies; this is still a work in progress as they’re putting a lot of love and care into their gifts!
Have a great weekend,
Sensei Linda Ly