Dear Parents and Carers
It has been a very busy month here at St Anthony’s and the time this term has just flown.
Congratulations to our Year 3 and Year 5 students who have completed their Naplan Tests. The students followed all test protocols throughout and the online tests went through smoothly and without a hitch. While we use the Naplan data to track our focus for improvement as a school, and look at growth between the year 3 and year 5 cohort, it is important to remember that it is only a snapshot of a student’s performance on a single day. The teachers teach, monitor and assess students regularly and know each student’s abilities and what they need to learn next.
As we approach the last two weeks of the term, teachers will be completing the termly assessments, ready to begin Term 2 equipped with data to grow our students.
This year, our big focus for Foundation to Year 4 is on improving student’s mental strategies in Number. We are working on students becoming fluent in Number Word sequences and Addition and Subtraction strategies. This means that the students will learn a range of strategies to mentally solve counting and addition and subtraction problems appropriate to their age and stage of development. Students are assessed after each strategy is taught before they move on to the next strategy.
It is nearly the holidays! I take this opportunity to thank you for your partnership and for walking alongside us on this journey with your child.
Have a safe and happy holiday and for those who celebrate Easter, may the blessings of the risen Lord be with you and your family.
Kind regards
Glennis Kerr
(Teaching & Learning Leader)