Classroom News 


This week in prep we had our very first Wednesday at school! The Preps are all doing a fantastic job of doing four days in a row and we cannot wait to see more success next week as we will have all five days at school!


This week we have continued with last weeks sentence due to the busyness of the two weeks, so we hope the Preps have lots of chances to learn our sentence Tip my cat is at the tap.


In Maths we are continuing our exploration into shapes. We have been looking at four 2D shapes (circle, square, rectangle and triangle) and how we can describe them by counting the sides and corners. We have also been looking for them around our classroom. The Preps made shape faces using all our 2D shapes which are proudly displayed in our classrooms. They look fantastic and we are very proud of our Preps. 


A reminder that next Thursday we have our school photos. Students need to be dressed in full summer school uniform and can pack their runners in their bags to change into for their sport lesson.



Gemma Blake

Dani Conheady




It has been a short week but it has been jam-packed with lots of learning and fun. 


In Year 1 the students have been discussing community in religion. We have been looking at the different communities we are a part of and how they make us feel like we belong. Both classes have started working on their prayer gathering. We are so excited to show our families what we have been learning about! 


In Year 2 the students have been looking at their family trees in Inquiry. It has been interesting learning about our family history and comparing our stories. We have also been continuing to learn about 3-digit numbers. 


Both year levels have been using a new math program called Mathseeds on their ipads and chrome books. It is a great app that is both engaging and personalized to each child's needs. 


Kascha Popping    

Leah Martin  

Miriam Collins

Matt Absalom    

Emma Roberts  

Kerryn Williams




We started this morning with a beautiful prayer gathering ran by Grade 4 JJ Junction, a perfect way to start our Thursday. Well done on a wonderful prayer gathering. 


Not long now until we head away to our camps for the year. Please make sure that you have checked through all of the PAM permissions and have returned all of the relevant medical forms. Please make sure that you let teachers know of any questions or concerns that you may have.


This week the Grade 3’s have been working so hard at completing NAPLAN. This is a massive effort for them and they have been doing a wonderful job. A big congratulations on their achievements. 


In Numeracy we have been working very hard on Place Value. We are wrapping up this topic and are now moving into our new topic of Time and Angles. 



-Tomorrow Friday the 17th Grade 4, and a handful of Grade 3’s, will be attending the athletics trial day. The majority of Grade 3 students will have a regular school day.

-World Down Syndrome Day is Tuesday the 21st. All children are encouraged to wear bright or silly socks on this day.

-School photos will take place on Thursday the 23rd, please ensure your child is in the correct school uniform this day.

-School sports will be on Friday 31st, families are welcome to come along and cheer for their children. 


Elissa Rodger      

Deb Holland

Lauren Ryan     

Meg Knight

Judy Carr     

Jodie Hassett




We are back and refreshed from a long weekend! Grade 5s have popped straight into NAPLAN, it is nearly over already with one final test to be completed on Monday.


Grade 6 have continued working on addition and subtraction, we have been practising our use of the algorithm with numbers up to 5 digits with a focus on internal zeros.


Last week's Cold Write was very interesting. It was great to see students applying skills they already have and definitely gave us an idea for what we can look at in the next part of our learning. Grade 6 will be wrapping up persuasive writing this week with one more VCOP Big Write session. Grade 5 will be looking to begin VCOP Big Writes next week. Keep a lookout on Class Dojo Wednesday afternoons for the prompt we will be using to have a chat and form some ideas for the session.


We will be revising the Social Explorers program, following on from our We Thinkers and Social Explorers work from last year. The aim for this is to build understanding and independence in social situations. This is a whole school approach so students will have some consistency when they are out on the yard during break times.


Friday is our Athletics Trials at Central Reserve, they should be starting at around 9:30 am and parents are more than welcome to come and watch. It is supposed to be a warm day so please make sure we have hats and water and apply sunscreen!


Rachel Downard

Paula Parish    

Jade LoRicco   

Dan Cannon   

Susie Scott     

Maegen Potter