PFA News

Hi everyone,


Easter Raffle is almost here!! Many hampers of delicious Easter treats will be raffled off at a special assembly next Friday 31st March!

This is such a highlight for the children, we can't wait!

Please ensure that you return you raffle tickets and $10 and 1 easter egg contribution (per family) by Wednesday 29th March - can be given to the office or to the class teacher.

This gives us time to get all the tickets separated and in a barrel, and put the hampers together on Thursday all ready for Friday!

If we can please have some volunteers to put the hampers together on Thursday  am 30th March am after drop off in the staff room, please contact Nicola- or come to the staff room on Thursday.


Reminder that each family has 10 tickets, $1 a ticket. You can get extra books of tickets at the office if you want to increase your chances! Remember to write names and class or phone number on the stubs.

Good luck and thank you for your support! 

Next PFA Meeting - Tuesday 28th March @ 7pm in staff room. All welcome!


Have a wonderful weekend.

PFA Committee