Middle School News

Year 7 to Year 9

What's been happening in our Learning Spaces?

Please click here to read about what students in Year 9 have been learning in Dance.

Middle School Update

It's been another busy fortnight for the Middle School students and staff at Salvado Catholic College. There have been several activities that have kept our students engaged as we draw closer to the end of Term One 2023.


Our Year 7 and 9 students have recently completed NAPLAN which finished on Monday. With the four assessments and catch-ups being run, it was great for us to have almost 100% completion. The support of all staff and students was appreciated as we endeavoured to create an environment with minimal distractions during this time and the Year 8 students definitely helped with this.


The Middle School Progress Reports will be uploaded to Seqta next week. This feedback will be important for our students and parents/caregivers as the Mid-Year Reports, with grades and percentages, will be completed at the end of Term Two. Information about the Parent-Teacher phone interview bookings were emailed out this week so please use this to organise a time to talk to teachers during weeks 2 and 3 next term.


The Year 7s have been on their Activity Day today which should have been a wonderful time to have some fun and develop some positive relationships with students and staff. The students participated in four activities at Manjedal Activity Centre and there were many opportunities to support and challenge each other in the wonderful natural environment. There will  more information provided in the next newsletter.


The Year 9 Camp Information Night is being held on Monday afternoon, starting at 5:30pm and in the Covered Assembly Space with the team from Adventure Works WA. They will be providing some very important information to Year 9 parents/caregiver and students. This compulsory event is in preparation for the Year 9 Camp being held from the 17th - 19th May, which Mr Wade Old the Year 9 Coordinator is organising for our students this year. 


Mr Luke Johns, our Careers and VET Coordinator, will provide 15 of our Year 9 students with an opportunity for their first Career Taster Program on Tuesday. This group will be travelling to South Metro TAFE to learn more about the construction industry and participating in bricklaying, plastering and tiling. I know the students are very much looking forward to wearing their steel-capped boots and getting involved in these hands-on activities away from school. 

On the last day of Term 1, Wednesday 5th April, there will be a Holy Week Liturgy and Middle School Assembly in the Covered Assembly Space. This will begin at 1:30pm and parents/caregivers are welcome to attend. More information will be sent out about this wonderful opportunity to see our young people doing their best to recognise this most important time of the Catholic calendar and to acknowledge the efforts of students and staff this term. 


Mr Brendan McGrath

Head of Middle School (Yr 7 to Yr 9)