From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents and Carers


As we approach the celebration of Easter it is important that we take time to reflect. As outlined by Bishop Donald Sproxton the recent issue of The Record Magazine "the celebration of Easter touches something very deep in most human beings, both those who are not especially religious and those who are. It is the joy that is more enduring than sorrow, that love is stronger than hatred and that life is more powerful that death." 


The story of the crucified and risen Jesus is the story of one who brought sight to the blind, food to the hungry, forgiveness to the to the repentant, and hope to the hopeless. 


I wish all of our families a Safe and Holy Easter. I hope that you and those you love experience the special gift of hope that Jesus' resurrection provides during these Easter Days. 


Prime Drinks

We have become aware that there are a number of students across the college who have been replacing the water in the drink bottles they bring to school with Prime Drinks ( I ask that all parents and caregivers please ensure students only have water in the drink bottles they bring to school each day. 


Prime Energy Drinks are not available in Australia the reason being they contain almost double the legal limit of caffeine per 100ml. The volume of caffeine contained in a 355ml can of Prime Energy Drink is 200mg where as a standard cappuccino contains 60mg of caffeine. It is important to note that paediatricians advise against caffeine for children under 12 and against any use of energy drinks for all children and teens. They also suggest limiting caffeine to at most 100 mg daily for those 13-18 years old. 


College Positive Behaviour Support Plan & Behaviour Management Guidelines 

The core values of Salvado Catholic College are inspired by the life works of our patron, Dom Rosendo Salvado. The motto ‘Peace. Justice. Compassion’ has been developed from descriptions of Salvado’s life and works. The core value of respect underpins all that we do – respect for ourselves and respect for others along with the College's Behaviour Management Guidelines. 


Over the past two weeks there have been a number of incidents where students have deliberately hurt or injured other students, by kicking and/or punching them, in response to actions or comments of the students. Responding to incidents with physical violence is not appropriate and students who retaliate or initiate physical violence will be sanctioned in accordance with the College guidelines which can be found here.


I thank parents/caregivers for their support and understanding when we deal with student behaviours. 


Inter-school Swimming - Year 4 to Year 6

On Thursday 30 March the Year 4 to Year 6 swimming team competed in the SEMCPSSA Interschool Swimming Carnival at Aqualife Centre in East Vic Park. The students had a fabulous day representing the College. The students swam hard and tried their best all day. Thank you to Mr Loh and Mrs Schultz for coaching the swim team and, Mr Loh & Mrs Dunstan for taking the students to the Carnival. 


Peace & Goodness to all.

Ian Hagen
