Student Wellbeing

Rainbows Program at Salvado Catholic College

A friendly reminder regarding Rainbows expressions of interest.  If you would like your child/ren to be considered for the program, you are asked to complete the form (which went home with each Pre-Primary to Year 6 student in week 8) in as much detail as possible. 


If the form did not make it home please make contact and I will forward one on. 

Alternatively, if you would like to discuss the program and your child’s eligibility I am more than happy to discuss this on the phone with you.


Rainbows is a program which has been created to assist in providing a path towards healing for those grieving a significant loss or life altering experience.  The core of the program is centred on trust, acceptance and sharing.  It allows for those who are hurting to understand their feelings and to develop some of the tools required to move forward in helping to resolve their grief and anxiety. 


Many experiences may occur in a child’s life which can be overwhelming for them to be able to cope with and indeed enjoy their precious years of childhood.  Separation or divorce between parents, the loss of a family member/close family friend, a serious illness or accident, moving house/school/state/country or any other significant change can be a crushing event in a child’s life.  The impact for them can be very overwhelming. These situations affect children socially, spiritually, behaviourally and academically. Through Rainbows, children are helped to speak about their feelings, build a stronger sense of self-esteem and dispel their guilt and anger over the changes in their family or circumstances.




With the holidays fast approaching and the joy of no alarm clocks, below is a link to help those times when you may hear the words………. “Mum/Dad/Nan/Pop, I’m bored.”


Mrs Kerry Browne

Wellbeing Coordinator